Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Palliative Care helps cancer patients live longer, better

“Adding the services of a care team focused on quality of life without altering patient’s cancer treatments could both enhance and extend life”, says Jennnifer Temel, MD, of Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center as reported by the New England Journal of Medicine. Combining palliative care early in treatment improved patient’s moods, helped them deal emotionally and spiritually with their disease, eased pain, nausea, and breathing difficulties which made their lives better, happier, as well as extending their lifespan.

This seems like a no-brainer to me, but cancer treatment typically only deals with the disease, not the symptoms which come along with it. And in the past, if palliative care was done, it was done late. We know now, by this medical study, that it should be done immediately or at least early into treatment. One of my goals for this blog is to bring you practical ways to make you feel better every day.

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