Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Do you and your loved ones know:
• 1 in 8 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime?
• Over 30% of women are diagnosed after breast cancer has spread.
• When breast cancer is detected early, the 5-year survival rate is 98%.
• Limit alchohol use
• Maintain healthy weight
• Stay physically active
• Limit fat in your diet
• Annual exams by your doctor, who should teach you how to exam yourself
• Self-inspection of your breasts, every month
• Mammograms every 2 years
Local Info:
• Our hospital, SGHS Brunswick, is giving free mammograms this month to women who are eligible due to financial or insurance issues.
• Through Oct. 28- Art-rageous Fundraiser Themed Bras created by physicians, healthcare workers, volunteers, and local artists. Vote for your favorite bra - $1 per vote, proceeds to benefit SGHS cancer programs; bras auctioned off at end of exhibit. Southeast Georgia Health System Outpatient Care Center Art Gallery, Bwk. Art Downtown/Gallery 209: 262-0628, ArtDowntownGallery209.com, sghs.org

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