Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mother's Day

Wow. This Sunday is Mother's Day and it means so much to me. It means that I'm here, alive and kickin it! We've been living life fully, together, and everyday has been a "mother's day" for me. Granted, some are better than others.......but i got em! I look at my kids differently since surviving cancer. Before, cancer, it was easy "not" to see them, life blocked the view. I see clearly now. Everything is in focus. I see them as little human beings, amazing creations of God with big hearts that truly don't have a mean bone in their bodies. They're growing into teenagers now. That's scary but still fun. I read somewhere that children come into our lives to teach us........teach us how to love, live, care and become better people. I can say, my kids have taught me tons and all of it good. I'm a better person because i had children and for that.........i live. Jake and Jesse were my inspiration to fight the good fight. My job is to make sure they walk down their wedding aisle happy, well adjusted, loving people. Their successes in life are mine, too. We're a team. I can't imagine living without them. I had to be here for them and for all their life journeys when they want me around. I can't wait to hear the cries of my first grandchild. How precious life is, how wonderful and what an amazing honor to live it, fully and compassionately with my two greatest joys.......Jake & Jess........I love you immensely. Thank you for all our days together. I'm blessed to have you. xoxoxo Mama ;o)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Raising funds, awareness and making a difference.......

There's a season for everything. Spring is peak season for the ACS Relay For Life events and they continue through out the summer. Team Boobiehead participated in our first Pre-Relay event (April 2nd) hosting a concert with Nashville stars, Bomshel, along with opening act, 12 year old Sydney Rhame from Atlanta. Many, many thanks go out to the these talented performers and all the volunteers it takes to make a venue of this size come to fruition. Next, we had our own Glynn County RFL held April 15th. Family flew in to walk the survivor lap with me and my other survivor buddies. It was a day of celebration, for sure. This time last year, i was bald, super skinny and still going through weekly chemo treatments. I looked like cancer. This year, mid-January, my chemo port came out, hair has grown back crazy curly and now it's time to march for those who can't. I never, in a million years, would've thought I'd get cancer but it happened. No history, no DNA, young at 42 and in picture perfect health.....what are the odds? No one knows why we get the fight of our lives but we do. Just because i'm done with treatment, doesn't mean i'm done. I'm here to help those who can't. The seasons may change but the mission doesn't.
Help Team Boobiehead continue to raise funds, awareness and make a difference everyday.
Buy a tshirt, have a laugh at being a Boobiehead and help.......It's why we're here in on this planet. Again, thank you to everyone for helping out the last three weeks. We couldn't have done it without you!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Learn How You Can Possibly Prevent and Cure Cancer By Michael Pinell, M.D. , MHA, FACEP

Our guest blogger this week is a brilliant, compassionate man with information that could change your life.

Dr. Pinell is a cancer survivor who is a board certified emergency physician who works full-time at Southeast Georgia Health System emergency department in Brunswick, Georgia. Also, he has a Medical Aesthetic and Wellness Center at 60 Cinema Lane, Suite 250, St. Simons Island, Georgia.

By the end of 2010, cancer will become the number one killer in America.
Cancer is a disease that can bring the strongest person to their knees, and I will describe simple ways that you can possibly protect yourself and your loved ones from this devastating disease. It is interesting to note that everyone has cancerous cells continually being created in their body. Chemotherapy and radiation are used because cancer cells are weaker than normal cells and therefore may die first.

The seven main causes of cancer are: low oxygen in our cells; acidic urine and saliva; weak immune system; overload of toxins; lack of exercise; hormonal imbalance; and stress. We have cancer protective genes that become inactivated by certain factors: aging, poor lifestyle choices, stress, poor dietary habits, and exposure to toxicity. My objective is to tell you ways to reverse these factors and reactivate these cancer protective genes by maintaining a good diet, sleeping well, avoiding harmful chemicals, replacing bio-identical hormones, and taking detoxifying antioxidants.

Low oxygen levels in our cells breed cancer. In 1931, Dr. Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. “The cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.” Cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation that produce lactic acid. Omega 3 essential fatty acids are needed by cell walls so that oxygen can enter the cells. High oxygen tensions are lethal to cancer tissue. How can you simply increase your oxygen level? If you will eat 1 cup milled flax seed mixed with 1 cup organic cottage cheese or yogurt daily. This will supply the needed omega 3 for oxygen cell wall transfer. You can take MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) and Co Enzyme Q 10 that will increase the oxygen in your cells. Hyperbaric oxygen treatments, deuterium fortified water, and IV hydrogen peroxide has been also shown to improve cellular oxygenation.

Acidic urine and saliva levels leads to cancer. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment and doesn’t survive in a normal, more alkaline environment.
Cancer cells produce lactic acid to make your body more acidic. When cancer cells grow, they produce even more acid. Alkaline water holds a lot of oxygen, but acidic water holds very little oxygen. There is a long history of reversing cancer simply by alkalinizing the body, but this detoxification process can take months to complete. How can you simply increase (alkalize) your body? Drink 1 teaspoon of baking soda (pH 8.2) in water at bedtime. Drinking green barley and eating raw vegetables helps to alkalinize your body as well as the supplement MSM. Test your morning urine with pH paper (goal is urine pH 7.5 to 8.0).

A weakened immune system leads to cancer, but a strong immune system seeks out and destroys cancer cells. For most of your life, the immune system has successfully dealt with cancer cells, killing them off as they developed. Thus, it is vital in your battle against cancer to strengthen your immune system. How can you strengthen your immune system with food? EAT 5 to 7 fresh raw vegetables (rainbow of deep colors); 2 to 3 fresh raw fruits; 2 to 3 servings of whole grains; 2 to 3 servings of organic grass-fed protein; 2 to 3 Tablespoons of olive oil, nuts, and/or seeds; use herbs and spices liberally each day—eat organic when possible. AVOID tuna, shellfish, candy, chips, processed foods, sugar, liver, kidney, chocolate, egg yolks, vegetable oils, salt, coffee, alcohol and dairy products. Ideally, avoid cooked, frozen, or microwave food since heat and cold destroys food’s natural enzymes.

EAT high anti-oxidant foods—blueberries, blackberries, cinnamon, pomegranate, raspberries, brussel sprouts, spinach, and green tea. Nutrition must be taken seriously, even held as sacred.

Overload of toxins in our world is another major cause of cancer. Over the last 100 years, the world has added tens of thousands of chemicals into our environment. We have never been exposed to these chemicals before and don’t know how to handle them. Food has been genetically modified with chemicals. Avoid these chemicals by eating organic foods. Cellular toxicity is caused by shunting of toxins into your cells due to excess acidity in the blood. Heavy metal and chemical toxicity comes from years of exposure to highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals, silver amalgam fillings, aluminum in toothpaste, mercury from fish etc. Chlorine may be the greatest crippler and killer of modern times with 2/3 of our exposure due to inhalation of steam and skin absorption while showering. Install shower filter to de-chlorinate. How can you safely detoxify your body? Obtain a blood test to check for amount of heavy metal and other toxins. You can detoxify with MSM oral supplement as well as IV glutathione, high dose IV Vitamin C and B complex, and EDTA for heavy metal toxicities.

Lack of exercise is another contributor to our increasing rate of cancer in America. A simple prescription of walking or swimming 20 minutes three times per week has been found to be adequate to help prevent cancer.

Bio-identical hormonal replacement is a cancer protector as well as a quality of life enhancer. Scientific studies show that bio-identical progesterone and estriol offer protection against breast cancer which now strikes one out of eight women in America. Bio-identical testosterone replacement for men can protect their hearts and prevent prostate cancer. Also, DHEA cream has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer by blocking anaerobic energy source for cancer cells.

Every disease originates from a shock or trauma that catches us by surprise.
Stress wipes out the immune system. Un-dealt with emotional issues may well lead to cancer. Immune system needs 9 ½ hours of sleep in dark room every night to maximally function. If you have cancer, your response to stress is critical. We are all exposed to difficult life issues, but we are in control of our response to these issues. Our attitude will determine our outcome. Negative attitudes will kill you faster than anything else. Your perspective on your life and your faith are the key to your joy or sorrow. Focus on the good and not the bad. Appreciate the simple things in life.

Lifestyle change is one of the easiest and most effective cancer-fighting strategies there is. Cancer is mostly preventable, manageable, and sometimes curable, but it is up to you to make the effort.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Product Focus: BoobieHead Ball Caps

Bad hair day? BoobieHead Baseball Cap. Cool, casual gift? BoobieHead Baseball Cap. Fun fashion statement? BoobieHead Baseball cap.

Whether you are young or old, male or female-- baseball caps are great gifts to give or receive.

Ours is a classic low profile (no redneck trucker caps here!) and embroidered with the BoobieHead logo. It is made of sturdy cotton twill and has an adjustable strap. We stock them in BoobieHead Pink, bright White, jet Black, bold Red, light Khaki, and classic Navy.

A Toast to Cancer Survivors

About 11 million Americans are cancer survivors today. But what exactly is a cancer survivor? Wikipedia defines one as an individual who is still living which has had any kind of cancer, past or present. Currently nearly 65% of persons diagnosed with cancer are expected to live at least five years after the cancer is discovered. Many cancer survivors have found the process to be a life-changing experience which allows one opportunities for creative self-transformation into a "better person" or as motivation to meet goals of great personal importance, such as climbing a mountain or reconciling with an estranged family member. Our founder of BoobieHead, Britt Figueroa, is a great example of someone who has used the difficulty of cancer to motivate, inform, and transform her life into a creative and charitable endeavor. I'm humbled and honored to assist her in her lofty goals. Here are some other notable people to whom we toast:

The following are notable people who are breast cancer survivors:
Brigitte Bardot, Merridith Baxter, Anastacia, Shirley Temple Black, Christina Applegate, Diahann Carrol, Sheryl Crow, Betty DeGeneres, Jill Ekenberry, Linda Ellerbee, Melissa Etheridge, Edie Falco, Betty Ford, Greta Garbo, Kate Jackson, Rue McClanahan, Kylie Minogue, Olivia Newton John, Cynthia Nixon, Carly Simon, Gloria Steinem, Suzanne Somers, Jaclyn Smith, Cokie Roberts, Minnie Pearl, Sandra Day O'Conner

Here are a couple of Pancreatic Cancer Survivors: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Steve Jobs

And, some Skin Cancer Survivors: Jenna Jameson, John McCain, Ewan McGregor, Ronald Reagan, Cybill Shepard, Elizabeth Taylor

Four Testicular Cancer Survivors: Lance Armstrong, Richard Belzer, Tom Green, Scott Hamilton

Three Colorectal Cancer Survivors: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sharon Osbourne, Ronald Reagan

One Lung Cancer Survivor: John Wayne

And we toast all of the other individuals who fought cancer and were survivors as long as they could-- all notable, and all loved... including my father, Reginald Adair Anderson, and my best friend, Bart Copeland.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tomorrow, December 1st, is World Aids Day

Yes, tomorrow is World Aids Day. The first Aids patient was 30 years ago, but still this is a top health issue globally. The two themes of focus this year are universal access to treatment and human/civil rights of HIV positive persons.

But first, you may wonder why I'm writing about Aids in a cancer blog? Because people with Aids or HIV get cancer. The most common types are Kaposi sarcoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Other AIDS-related cancers include Hodgkin disease and cancers of the lung, mouth, cervix, and digestive system.

Universal Access to HIV/Aids Treatments: Many areas of Africa are rampant with the disease and have no way to get care. Similarly, poverty-striken people in many parts of the world cannot access medical treatments. In fact, this is a huge problem right here in the USA. Hopefully, this will change with the new univeral healthcare programs.

Human Rights of HIV Positive Persons: Even 30 years later, we need to safeguard the rights of HIV/Aids infected persons. They deserve the same human dignity, understanding and the respect any person does. There is a stigma against persons with HIV. They have been fired from their jobs or denied employment. They have been labeled "deviants" and received workplace discrimination, which makes them feel isolated and vulnerable. Today, there is need to federal legislation to protect these marginalized Americans.

You can help by contacting your congressmen or donating to HIV/Aids organizations.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Product Focus: Boobie Head Scarfs & Knit Tassel Hats

Well, it's that time of year and chill is in the air! The most fun way to stay warm and cozy this fall and winter is with our unisex scarfs and hats.

The scarves are soft-as-a-baby's-behind fleece and oversized for comfort and warmth. They come in year-round favorite BoobieHead pink, a relaxed warm grey, and the always fashionable black. Of course, they have an embroidered BH logo (complete with nips on the B's!)

Our cheeky knit caps are lined with the same comfy soft fleece. They have flaps to keep your ears toasty warm. To top it all off, they have funky cool tassels!
Be cool and stay warm, always with a good humor.
These are great Christmas gifts for all ages.
The best thing is, you are helping a cancer patient with every purchase.